1. Complete your credit split form

You or your partner can request the CPP credit split. A representative such as a lawyer can also make the request for you.

You can get the CPP Credit Split form (ISP1901) online from Service Canada’s website.

The information you give, for example, how long you lived together, affects the credit split. That information is sent to your partner. Both you and your partner have the right to challenge the information the other puts in the form.

Survivor’s pension and other benefit forms after your partner dies

After your partner's death, you can apply for a survivor's pension and other CPP benefits by getting relevant forms online from Service Canada's website.

If you were married when your partner died, you may qualify for other CPP benefits like:

Help with the forms

Each form is part of an Application Kit that has instructions to help you apply. Each form also has an Information Sheet to help you fill out the form. You can contact Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914 for help with any of their forms.

Where to send your forms

Mail your completed form to your local Service Canada address. This address is listed at the end of the Application Kit, or you can find out the mailing address online.

It can take 6 – 12 weeks for Service Canada to respond every time you send them something.

You can contact Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914 to check the status of your form.